A curious motion out on the boardwalk caught our attention one evening. Through the telephoto lens on my camera I could see that it was a young Raccoon rambling along the pathway on one of its longest cross-water stretches.
The Raccoon seemed to just appear on the boardwalk, and from where was not obvious. He must have made his way on to the platform under the cover of the dense marshy vegetation. I’m sure he has a Raccoon-savy spot to climb up and gain access to the walkway.
So, while the Raccoon’s point of origin remained a mystery, his destination did not. He was clearly planning to follow the boardwalk around a bend and then exit out on the shore of the marsh in order to patrol the wetland’s perimeter.
We quickly moved to head him off at the pass. As we rounded the first corner on the boardwalk we were delighted to find the juvenile Raccoon sitting at the far end without a care in the world.
We took a couple of quick pictures and then beat a hasty retreat. No need to disturb the little guy any further!