This is a continuation of the story of a very young Raccoon that I discovered on my front porch.
I became curious about where the juvenile Raccoon might be spending its time during the daylight hours. So, in an attempt to determine where the Raccoon was coming from, I set my scouting camera up on the side of my house, and recorded this series of pictures.
At the time there was a subdivision under development next to our neighborhood. A construction trailer was setup right behind our house. My suspicion was that the Raccoon was probably hiding out under the trailer during the heat of the day.
Notice while you look at these pictures how much larger the Raccoon has become in just a short 3 week period. This Raccoon continued to come to my porch for the food I left out through late January. At that point the Raccoon was fully grown, and probably left in search of a mate.
I never was able to determine where the rascal was hiding during the day.