This family of Barred Owls living at White Rock Lake has already been well documented here: Barred Owls — Troubadours Of The Trees. But I had to get out and see them for myself.
I took these pictures in the early evening of April 18, 2013. The owls had just emerged from their daytime roosts and were calling to each other vociferously. A crowd of interested people had already gathered under the branches by the time I arrived.
The newly branching fledgling was the first owl I saw. He was very interested in what was going on the bike trail below him. He watched us with what appeared to be great curiosity. At one point he started doing a odd and comical-looking circular head bob, as if he were trying to engage some of the human onlookers.
Mom and Dad were keeping an eye on the young owlet from nearby branches. Both parents seemed unconcerned by the attention the family was getting. The wildlife at White Rock Lake has grown accustomed to the presence of constant human activity.

The latest information I have on the owls suggests that they are now spending the majority of their time hidden away in the woods around Dixon Branch. They are more likely to be heard than seen these days, but by all indications the owlet is well on his way!
A few years ago while driving down a nearby Garland residential street,
I saw what looked like a huge owl perched on the grass between
the sidewalk and street. At first glance it seemed much too large
to be a real owl, so I thought it had to be a paper mache owl thrown
out as trash [owl is the Garland High School mascot.] I backed up
my car for a closer look. Suddenly, the owl’s head effortlessly swung
around and it looked right at me. I glanced around to see if anyone else
was seeing this… but there was no one in sight. Whatever it was…
it was big… and a mystery I will never forget.
Someone I know once called me. They were excited because there was an owl on their neighbor’s house. I rushed over with my camera. When I arrived I discovered that it was only an owl decoy that the homeowner had installed to discourage nuisance birds!
I’ve seen a great horned owl on Rowlett road in Rowlett; Garland is next door, so my guess is you saw the same species (and possibly the same individual!)