This was an exciting, long distance Coyote encounter. Here’s how it went… I was walking a dirt trail in the Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area just before noon on Sunday. As I came over a small rise, I was pleased to find this excellent looking Coyote standing right in the middle of the trail.
The Coyote was the better part of 100 yards/meters away, so I knew that I would only be able to record marginal photographs of him at best. Still, I began snapping shots, like I always do.
The Coyote soon began retreating down the road, stopping very so often for a look back to see if I were following. I just stood my ground and kept taking pictures.
At one point, through my view finder, I was surprised to see another large animal cross the trail far behind the Coyote. I couldn’t tell what kind of animal it was, but I knew I had recorded its image. At home I would be able to blow the pictures up, and hopefully see just what it was.
Well, it turned out to be a White-tailed Deer. Just one of many I was to see on that day!