These Ring-billed Gulls were photographed in North Lakes Park in Denton, Texas. This group of gulls had gathered on the dirt road that runs along the west side of Soil Conservation Service Site 16 Reservoir (a small lake).
Sometime when I observe Ring-billed Gulls, the majority of the birds will be on the water. Other times, like in this case, I find them congregated on dry land. I’m not sure what motivates one behavior over the other, but I have wondered if it might be weather related.
The temperature was around 40F(4C) at the time of the sighting, but had been as low as 26F(-3C) the night before. A cold north wind was still blowing on this afternoon.

County | – | Denton |
City | – | Denton | |
Date | – | Feb 11, 2012 | |
Time of Day | – | Afternoon | |
Temperature | – | Cool (50-69°F/10-21°C) | |
Weather | – | Clear | |
Habitat | – | Recreation-Park | |
Type of Behavior | – | Congregating | |
Gender | – | Mixed | |
Maturity | – | Mixed | |
Observer | – | Chris Jackson |