American Coots engaged in various activities around White Rock Lake, Dallas, Texas.
Wikipedia has this to say about American Coots:
The American Coot is a migratory bird that occupies most of North America. It lives in the Pacific and southwestern United States and Mexico year-round and occupies more northeastern regions during the summer breeding season. In the winter they can be found as far south as Panama. Coots generally build floating nests and lay 8–12 eggs per clutch. Females and males have similar appearances, but they can be distinguished during aggressive displays by the larger ruff (head plumage) on the male. American Coots eat primarily algae and other aquatic plants but also animals (both vertebrates and invertebrates) when available.
Chris, great photos. I especially like the one showing the lobed toes so clearly.
American Coots are interesting birds. They have same basic form and silhouette as a duck (especially on the water), but a completely different solution to the foot as a paddle problem.