NOTE: This post is part of a continuing series of observations: [ First | << Prev | Next >> ]
The are still no babies at the eagle’s nest yet, as near as I can tell. But, there WAS some activity going on at the site when I arrived. Just seconds after I had setup my camera, the male zoomed in from the east carrying something large and bulky.
Based on the size, shape, color, and weight (implied from how the eagle was handling the load), I’m guessing that the eagle had captured a cormorant or duck of some kind. If you look closely at the pictures you can see that the eagle had also picked up some vegetation when he grabbed his prey.
The male landed just long enough to drop off the meal at the nest. Within just a minute or two he had headed off back in the direction from which he had come.

NOTE: This post is part of a continuing series of observations: [ First | << Prev | Next >> ]