On Sunday afternoon, during a lull in a photography session, I took a quick break to have a look around. I thought it might be prudent to use a few minutes in this fashion just in case there was anything else of interest going on nearby. It didn’t take long for me to notice the strange undulations of large flock of white and black birds circling low over a field on the far away horizon.
At this distance it was difficult to ascertain what kind of birds these were, but I could tell that they were unusual, in my experience at least. A quick check of the map showed that there was a road that would take us right by the spot where I judged the birds were landing. We quickly wrapped up what we were doing and headed in the direction of this new subject.
On the way we were treated to the sight of scores of Snow Geese coming in for a landing against a dramatically colored setting sun. Wave after wave of the honk-a-lonking birds arrived, circled, and landed while we watched. Several hundred geese were gathering in an open field for the the night.
As is usual, a few other species of geese are present in the group as well. Also represented in this mix are examples of the superficially similar, but smaller, Ross’s Goose. Additionally, there are several of the more uniformly gray Greater White-fronted Goose in the congregation.
This article documents my first observation of these geese in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. It was quite a sight!

Observation Details
County | – | Dallas |
City | – | Seagoville | |
Date | – | Feb 10, 2013 | |
Time of Day | – | Afternoon | |
Temperature | – | Cool (50-69°F/10-21°C) | |
Weather | – | Clear | |
Habitat | – | Agricultural-Pasture | |
Type of Behavior | – | Congregating | |
Gender | – | Mixed | |
Maturity | – | Mixed | |
Observer | – | Chris Jackson |