I observed this American Crow in a pasture near the intersection of Rosemeade and Marsh. The crow appeared to be eating a sandwich, which was probably pilfered from the trash of a nearby convenience store.
Wikipedia has this to say about American Crows:
American Crows are common, widespread and adaptable, but they are highly susceptible to the West Nile Virus. They are monitored as a bioindicator. Direct transmission of the virus from American Crows to humans is not recorded to date, and in any case not considered likely.
I love this series of photos.
Living in NYC, I am fascinated, amused, and appalled by the relationship of wildlife to human trash. I’ve seen pigeons, starlings, crows and rats eating pizza and even a squirrel with an entire bagel. I’m completely convinced that we humans create our “nuisance” populations of wildlife by feeding the very animals we want to control – through our garbage, at least, in urban areas. (Different in agricultural areas, where seed and crops may provide food.) If we would better manage our trash, we would not have to resort to pesticides, which pollute the entire system and often kill animals we want to protect! Here in NYC, hawks are sometimes poisoned by eating rats laden with rodenticides, a phenomenon known as secondary poisoning.