This observation includes some closeup pictures a Mediterranean Gecko. Pay particular attention to the pictures of the gecko’s feet. Geckos have a unique ability to adhere to surfaces that would be challenging for most other creatures.

This ability is attributed to the special physiology of the gecko’s foot as described in this quote from Wikipedia:

The toes of the gecko have attracted a lot of attention, as they adhere to a wide variety of surfaces, without the use of liquids or surface tension. Recent studies of the spatula tipped setae on gecko footpads demonstrates that the attractive forces that hold geckos to surfaces are van der Waals interactions between the finely divided setae (almost 500,000 Setae on each foot, and each of these tipped with between 100 and 1,000 spatulae) and the surfaces themselves. Each seta is 2 diameter of human hair long i.e 100 millionth of meter and each spatulae is 200 billionth of meter long, just below wavelength of visible light. These kinds of interactions involve no fluids; in theory, a boot made of synthetic setae would adhere as easily to the surface of the International Space Station as it would to a living room wall, although adhesion varies with humidity and is dramatically reduced under water, suggesting a contribution from capillarity. The setae on the feet of geckos is also self cleaning and will usually remove any clogging dirt within a few steps.

A close up of the upper torso of a Mediterranean Gecko.
Here is a closeup photograph of the gecko’s slit-pupil eye. It is said that geckos have no eyelids and are required to periodically lick their own eyes in order to keep them clean.
This is a daylight photograph of a Mediterranean Gecko. While researching this gecko I came across a number of articles which stated that the Mediterranean Gecko’s coloration is more distinctive and vivid during the day than at night. This gecko’s coloration includes many vivid shades of browns and tans, while those I have photographed at night tend to be pale white with a pinkish tinge.
A closeup of the Mediterranean Gecko’s head. The gecko’s left ear opening is visible in the area where the head meets the neck.
The underside of the gecko’s head.
The gecko’s left, rear foot.
The gecko’s right, rear foot.
The gecko’s deformed right, front foot.
A closer look at the gecko’s underside.
The gecko’s left, front foot.
The gecko’s pelvic region.
This photograph is of the underside of a Mediterranean Gecko. This gecko is clinging to clear acrylic, demonstrating the gecko’s famed ability to adhere to surfaces that would be challenging for most other creatures. Also of note is the deformation on this gecko’s right, front foot. This foot only has two toes rather than the expected five.

One Reply to “Mediterranean Gecko – Up Close”

  1. Are female Mediterranean geckos, smaller than males Our is this just a way of guessing. I should add that I believe the two I have are from the same wild batch of eggs.

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