This is likely the last update of the year for the seven Louisiana Whooping Cranes that spent the past summer in and around the Dallas/Fort Worth Area.
As many of you will remember, the Whooping Cranes arrived in DFW in two separate groups. The first to arrive were a male and female pair. Several weeks later they were joined by another set of five cranes. Both groups of cranes eventually joined up for a brief stint at Lewisville Lake right around the middle of the summer. But this congregation of seven whoopers would not stay together for long.
The original pair of cranes found Lewsiville Lake to their liking, and other than a few brief excursions, they stayed there for the rest of the summer. The other five birds found a spot just south of the metroplex more suited to their tastes, and that is where they spent their summer months.
Just as the two cranes at Lewisville Lake were the first to arrive, they were also the first to head back home to Louisiana. They left Denton County in late October and arrived back at White Lake in Louisiana a short time later.
Tragically, the male in this duo was was killed two weeks ago. Indications are that he died after striking a power line. The female reportedly is still doing well.
The other five Whooping Cranes—also know as “The Fenton Five”—stayed in Texas until roughly a week ago. They too have now returned to Louisiana where they are said to be busy settling back in at their old stomping grounds near White Lake!