NOTE: This post is part of a continuing series of observations: [ First | << Prev | Next >> ]
Checking on the eagle’s nest this past weekend, I was presented a sight which I had not seen since the early days of the nesting effort—a lone adult eagle sitting on the nest by itself.

I was a little taken aback by this scene, fearing that it meant I had missed the fledging I have been looking so forward to. Fortunately, a few minutes of patience was all it took to reveal the location of the two missing eaglets.
The feathered sibling have begun ever so cautiously testing their independence by moving outside of the dish of the nest and onto the arm of the transmission tower. Even there they can hunker down and be hidden from view if they wish to.
But, these young birds are getting restless, and they cannot stay immobile for long. First, one poked his head up for a look around, and then the second spread his fully feathered wings for a little exercise.

Mom eagle stayed down in the nest for as long as she could stand it. We closed out the day by watching her fly to the top of the tower for a little break. The male did not make an appearance this time around.

NOTE: This post is part of a continuing series of observations: [ First | << Prev | Next >> ]