Black-bellied Whistling Ducks are unique and attractive birds. With long pink legs and a long neck, these birds cannot be confused with any other duck in their range.

Reportedly Black-bellied Whistling Ducks are doing very well of late, and are in the process of expanding their range in North American. If the number of sighting I have been hearing of this spring is any indication, then the reports are true.

These pictures come to us from Aparna Rao who photographed these Black-bellied Whistling Ducks congregating with a few Blue-winged Teal in the Village Creek Drying Bed in Arlington, Texas.

Black-bellied Whistling Duck - Doing Well
Black-bellied Whistling Duck - Doing Well

Observation Details

DateApr 9, 2013
Time of DayMorning
TemperatureWarm (70-89°F/21-32°C)
Type of BehaviorCongregating
ObserverAparna Rao

5 Replies to “Black-bellied Whistling Duck – Doing Well”

  1. I had a pair of Black Bellied Tree Ducks in trees of my yard in rural Johnson County outside of Burleson last Sunday, April 28 in the morning. They did not hang around.

    1. My son and I saw 5 off these ducks at the Watterscreek Golf Coarse in Allen Texas on 5-25-13. I am a novice bird watcher an noticed the bright pink bills and feet from a distance. We were able to get about 100′ away from them before they spooked. Suprised to see them this far North this time of year.

  2. I’m from Metairie, LA, and I live next to Lafreniere Park which has a bird sanctuary. There are a dozen or more of these amazing colorful black-bellied whistling ducks that have taken up residence here. I don’t know how long they’ve been at the park or how long they’ll stay. I do know, though, that their feathered finery has made them a favorite of people who visit the park. I’ve never seen such a colorful bird in the wild.

  3. I have 6 in my trees today 4-8-2014 off of Fielder road
    In Arlington they don’t seem scared to have people around.
    I’m new to texas just moved from indiana.
    Do they stay and nest. Looks like they are courting. They do make a lot of noise.

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