A Feral Hog photographed on Village Creek Drying Bed property. Also located within the boundaries of the VCDB is a large corral-style Feral Hog trap. A small amount of bait corn had been left at the entrance. Interestingly, the trap had been ticketed by the City of Fort Worth for animal cruelty. Evidently, hogs were left in the trap for an extended period of time without adequate water or shelter. The citation was dated Jan, 24, 2013. It appears to have been ignored.
I wonder why the city inspector did not disassemble/remove the trap since it was in violation? That’s what the city employees should have done.
Odd, right? Cage traps also appear and disappear between the VCDB and the river on a regular basis… Not sure all this trapping activity is authorized.
Hmmm…… . It seems that the responsible authorities would want to work to reduce the feral hog population. Though not properly caring for a captured animal is wrong and should be cited, I’d think the division that issued this citation, and other city agencies, would be interested in working with those willing to trap hogs. They do a great deal of damage to other wildlife, landscapes, wild areas ………… . The list goes on.