I find the patterns and structures formed by migrating American White Pelicans interesting to watch. These living arrangements form, dissolve, swirl, shift, and reform over and over again as the flock moves from one horizon to the other. Fascinating and beautiful.
Each year, if we are lucky to out of doors on just the right day, we are able to witness the Spring Pelican Migration over Wedgwood in Fort Worth, Texas. Last year this occurred on March 23, 2012. We have not seen them yet this year. I would like to be able to find a website or group that tracks the migration, which would help those, who wait for this awesome event to witness each year, to anticipate its approach.
Flew over Elmendorf Tx at 4:00pm today headed north east
They flew over Mansfield, Texas on April 19, 2015, at about 12:40 PM.
Sunday, April 19 6pm And we just saw thousands pass over – so low – in western Washington County.
So beautiful and on a wind current; probably no more than 100 feet high; they had to dodge our oak trees! – enough to bring tears to your eyes . . .