Dateline – November 26, 2011
It has been nearly two years since the last time I monitored the open fields behind Baylor Medical Center in Carrollton. Back in January 2010 I recorded images and videos of at least two different Coyotes.
Since then there has been much construction in the general vicinity. Approximately 40% of the once undeveloped land now is now occupied by newly built houses, apartments, and stores.
I was curious about what effect the construction had on the resident Coyote population, so I recently set up my Scouting Cameras to get some idea. What I found was something of a surprise.
There is still an abundance of mammals on this property. In addition to the expected Eastern Cottontails and Fox Squirrels, I also got footage of Raccoons, Opossums, and a Bobcat.
Finally, I was pleased to discovered that there are at least three very healthy looking Coyotes still calling this plot of land home.
Is the mystery animal an El Chupacabra?