Documenting the Diversity of Dallas/Fort Worth Urban Wildlife Since 2005
Mourning Dove – Nest Location
Dateline April 10, 2005
This is an observation of what seems to be a particularly bad choice for a nesting site. The Mourning Dove in this observation has nested in a bush just outside a busy elementary school.
This observation is interesting for a number of reasons. First is the location of the nest. The nest is located in the pick up and drop off area of the school; a very high traffic area. Second is the nest position. The nest is approximately 3/4 of the way up the bush, and while reasonably well concealed, is only at a height of 4ft/1.2m off the ground. Finally, this nest is at least two years old and was not built by the currently sitting dove. Very little, if any, modification to the original nest was done.