Documenting the Diversity of Dallas/Fort Worth Urban Wildlife Since 2005
White-tailed Deer – Southeast Denton County
These two deer where photographed on an abandoned ranch located in southeast Denton County between The Colony and Lewisville. This pair of White-tailed Deer represent an adult female accompanied by her nearly one-year-old fawn. The fawn is a male, as evidenced by the beginning antler growth.
This pair of White-tailed Deer represent an adult female accompanied by her nearly one-year-old fawn. The fawn is a male, as evidenced by the beginning antler growth visible in this picture.
The fawn in this picture is a male, and is showing the beginning of antler growth. Juvenile males are referred to as “button bucks” at this stage of their development. It is likely that these two deer will be parting ways as the young buck approaches his first birthday in just a few more weeks.