This is a female Parkhill Prairie Crayfish. Often people think of crayfish as strictly aquatic animals but there are actually several species that are adapted […]
Parkhill Prairie Crayfish – By the Gazebo
I have recently discovered a third colony of what I believe are Parkhill Prairie Crayfish in one of our neighborhood’s parks. Again, the colony consists […]
Parkhill Prairie Crayfish – Identification
When I first discovered these crayfish I had no idea what species they were. As it turns out, positively identifying invertebrates is often very challenging, […]
Announcement – Pictures
Some photographs I took of a Parkhill Prairie Crayfish colony are now on display at ARKive is and interesting project whose stated mission is […]
Parkhill Prairie Crayfish – On the Church Grounds
Once I was aware that crayfish in this part of North Texas are able to form colonies well away from standing water, I began to […]
Parkhill Prairie Crayfish – On Dry Land
I actually first discovered this crayfish colony almost a year ago, while visiting a nearby park. At the time I noticed a number of mud […]