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Still no baby swans this week, only continued, dutiful egg incubation by the female. The curled-lipped male did his part by giving the small lake a thorough patrolling on a regular basis.
While I was out, I checked in on some of the other critters on the lake to see how they were doing. If you remember from last week there was a Pied-billed Grebe with some fishing line tangled about its bill. Well, I found this grebe in the exact same spot as the other from the week before, and this one was fishing line free!
Finally, I noticed the juvenile Nutrias were out and about again this weekend. Their youth and inexperience encourages them to be very tolerant of the park patrons, which makes observing them very easy. I found this one as just as he was pulling himself out of the water and onto an old log.
NOTE: This post is part of a continuing series of observations: [ First | << Prev | Next >> ]