American Avocets feeding at Lake Ray Hubbard in Garland, Texas.
Wikipedia has this to say about American Avocets:
This avocet has long, thin, gray legs, giving it its colloquial name, “blue shanks”. The plumage is black and white on the back with white on the underbelly. The neck and head are cinnamon colored in the summer and gray in the winter. The long, thin bill is upturned at the end. The adult bird measures 40–51 cm (16–20 in) in length, 68–76 cm (27–30 in) and 275–420 g (9.7–15 oz) in weight.

WOW! Beautiful bird! Have not seen these here yet but will keep my eyes open. And thanks for the info!
Yes, avocets are very pretty birds, but these pictures don’t do them justice. It was a very overcast day and the light was not good. There are plenty of avocets around if you look in the right place. They prefer shallow water like you see in these pictures.